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Monday, January 8, 2007

Ok. simply put. blogging is boring now cause blogger is the slowest site on the internet.. other than LMS though.

So had training today. super tiring. I. HATE. RUBBERS. dunno which idiot came up with it. sooooooooooooooo tiring. so we had to run 2.4 again today. my timing was almost identical to that of a few weeks ago. 11:28. that's ok i guess.

Big year ahead. Packed. Absolutely no free time. Summed up by coach today "From now on, its just train, eat, homework, sleep for 10 weeks. No going out on weekdays, no time for girlfriends, etc..." So, yay! It's going to be an anti-social year! somemore must organize inter-class soccer, and other competitions. that's a hell lot to do. to think that my comm. actually wants to bring back Anglolympics. which would be pretty cool, but thats a shit load of time. Lets see, monday, wed, reach home round 645, 700. thurs, reach home around 7:30 - 7:45. Tuesday, prob gonna have tuition on that day. Friday, probably be back round 6, 630? so yea. doesn't that just suck? so then, i got MCR album for christmas!!! ITS SO DAMN BLOODY NICE. OMGOMGOMG. SO NICE.

Hah. i shall not become mad. ive still got homework to do. can't afford that. ohh, zhende and naz are our captain and vicecaptain respectively. YES! We get uber-cool captains :D

ok, so i really cant be bothered to write much, but anyways, i'll do a quiz. its pretty long though..

001. Real Name: ...
002. Nickname: Cal, Lieu! Calsy :)
003. Single or taken: can i cheat and say that it's complicated?
004. Zodiac Sign: Leo
005. Male or Female: Male
006. Elementary School: If you mean primary, ACS (P)
007. Ipod: Zen Neeon :b
008. How many buddies on your list: list?
009. friendster name: calvin ying...
010. Hair Color: a little brownish
012. Hair long or short: short
014. Eye Color: i have no idea. somebody tell me
015. Are you health freak: No
016. Height: 165cm i think
031. First Concert: K2 graduation.
032. First love: Umm.. why do you ask these qns.. nobody's gonna answer them truthfully anyway

033. Favorite movie: Remember the Titans
034. Favorite TV show: Friends
035. Color: Red
036. Music: Disenchanted, My chemical romance
039. Drink: im not picky
040. Body part: wtf?
041. Cartoon: Fairy Odd Parents!!!
042. Favorite piece of clothing: shirt?
043. Brand Of Clothing: im not picky. as long as it doesn't look like something *ahem* would wear, im ok
044. What do you sleep with: Pillow, blanket
045. Favorite School: St. Stephens / ACSI
046. Favorite Animal: Dog
047. Favorite Book: I can't rmbr.
048. Favorite Magazine: Don’t rly read magazines
049. Eating: not picky
050. I'm drinking: ICE COLD Water
052. I'm about to: chat
053. Listening to: famous last words - mychemicalromance
055. Waiting for: someone. hah. such an emo answer
056. Watching: nothin
057. Wearing: nothin. hahahah. no la, shorts, shirt. happy?

Your Future
058. Want Kids: i dunno. why ask me now??
059. Want to Get Married: Yes
060. Careers in Mind: Dunno

Which is better with the Opposite Gender.
068. Lips or Eyes: Eyes
069. Hugs or Kisses: not picky. haha
070. Shorter or Taller: definitely shorter. how embarrassing would that be.
072. Romantic or Spontaneous: spontaneous... and romantic :)
073. Nice stomach or nice arms: Stomach
074. Sensitive or Loud: Sensitive
075. Hook-up or Relationship: Relationship
076. Sweet or Caring: Sweet
077. Trouble Maker or Hesitant: Hesitant

Have you ever.
78. Kissed a Stranger: No
079. Drank bubbles: whats that? bubble tea?
080. Lost glasses/contacts: nope. i dont use them anyway
081. Ran Away From Home: nope. pls. im not THAT emo
082. Broken a bone: Yep.
083. Got an X-ray: Yesp
084. broken someones heart: maybe?
086. Turned Someone Down: maybe?
087. Cried When Someone died: not yet. hope i never have to
088. Cried at school: Yep
Do You Believe In.
089. God: Yep
090. Miracles: Yep
091. Love at first sight: a little
093. Aliens: No
094. Magic: No
095. Heaven: Yes
096. Santa Claus: No. One sure way to find out is to leave the fire on under the chimney.
097. Sex on the first date: Hell No
097. Kissing on the first date: not really
099. Angels: Yeah

Answer Truthfully.
100. Is there someone You Want to be with right now? Yep?

ok. thats it. hahah, im so bored. i apologize in advance if im super dao this year. kk. im not trying to be ignorant or wadeva, im just busy. kapish?


black-ed out at ;
3:33 AM

Friday, December 1, 2006


training was HOT today. super super hot. but i played a bit of a match! wheeeeee. fun =)

okok so after training, nic tan wanted to go down to k.a.p for lunch, but then most ppl were going to dover. so i agreed to go k.a.p, but then when they decided to go to i think bukit timah plaza, so i changed my mind and went home. then turned out damian was going down to church (which is damn near my house), so went home to shower, then went to have lunch at bedok corner with him and zach. after that, they both went to church to help out and i stuck around for i think 10min, and now i'm at home. damian might come over later.. i'm waiting. haha

boring post.i noe

black-ed out at ;
12:50 AM

Monday, November 27, 2006

pfft. im tired. my eyes are DRY.

today, had training. usual, SAQ first, then we had 10s training! but it was raining quite heavily alr, so we went to astro-turf and played a game of 10s. i played for a while too ;) ;) ;) coach said if its ok with me, then i can play. though i played like shit. haha. i dropped one ball when we were gonna score. piang.

i got a knock to my eye but surpsingly, it felt damn good la. i wanna do contact again. heh. so then, there was lightning, so we went in. finally, we sec 1s went to do gym while the p6s did SAQ in mph. losers. hehe. im so tired now cause of gym. is that good?

well then after training, went to kap with mattias, nic tan, naz, bubbles, 198 and julian. had macs, then took mrt home with bubbles.

short post. and im not missing anyone. heh. figure that out yourself

black-ed out at ;
7:15 AM

Thursday, November 23, 2006

hmm.. yesterday, went out with leo, ryan, melissa and yvette.. supposed to head to vivo to catch casino royale but then, it was too crowded (duh) so we went to p.s THEN I REMEMBERED THAT LEON WORKED AT P.S (why i suddenly remember..) so i called him ask whether he was working shift that day, but then he didnt turn up at the end =( no picture with leon in uniform..

so anyways, we decided to eat at KFC after buying the tickets but guess what ryan and melissa ordered.. fish and chips -_-" go to kentucky fried CHICKEN to eat fish. haha, so then while me and leo were still ordering, we saw ryan trying to cut something with his knife except for that thing wasn't on his plate.. so we went back, turns out he was trying to cut open the packet of mayo.. -_-" so then later, melissa wanted tomato ketchup, so went to some man at the counter and asked him for tomato ketchup. he gave her 8 packets. wtf? damn funny, ppl were staring as if we took extra for no reason. giving those dirty looks.. haahh.

after that, went up for the movie.. so at the beginning of the movie, the pictures are in black and white.. so this stupid fatboy said damn loud all of a sudden "why no colour?" then melissa said loud enough for him to hear "that stupid fat boy talk damn loud ah" hahahaha, he's on the same diet as yvette. then halfway through the movie, there was explosion scene. then all of a sudden, this small boy all the way in the front started laughing SUPER loud. then the whole theatre started to laugh too..

after that, went to bedok corner for dinner, ice cream gallery and HOME. then i just lazed around chatting until 11? i dunno.. kk, im gonna spend this friday wisely considering i have nothing to do cause today's a MATCH. and i can't play yet :'(

kk, ciao

btw, i bet all of you a million dollars amos will 'forget' to bring the cd today

black-ed out at ;
5:20 PM

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

shit la.. training in like 1 1/2 hours.. then jaira said its supposed to be at 0930, not 1000..... means must leave earlier.. HALF AN HOUR!!! zzzzzzzzz training so sian.. no fun alr.. listen to justin more entertaining

black-ed out at ;
4:35 PM

Friday, November 17, 2006


pfft. im so bored, thats why im blogging -_-"

yesterday went to the cage to play soccer with eugene, ryan, leonard, basil, eric, jonathan, gregory and 2 of eugene's other friends. quite cool actually. its like this street soccer court with fake grass. and its like sheltered, and supposedly sometimes they play music for you. well they didnt for us. o.O

then after that, went to airport T2 for lunch.. the siew yoke there used to be damn good, then after that, then after that, then after that. im so gay. okok, so after AFTER that, ryan and i went to leo's place. we played wrestlemania on this nintendo gamecube. its super cute! the cd's are tiny. REALLY tiny. and we ganged up on ryan together with his younger sis. heh. meannnnn.

today, our team had a match against pierce. we won although we didnt play too well. at least there was improvement from last week :)

then was supposed to go out with dead bird for lunch but i didnt feel like going last minute, so i took the super long 14 back and now i'm at home realising that stoning isn't all that fun. pfft. pfft.

okok, im gonn do a quiz now. from tim's blog

can you name 11 people you can think of right off the top of your head. don't read the quesions underneath until you write down all the 11 people. this is alot funnier if you randomly list the names first. [**DO NOT CHEAT**]

1. Leon Chng

2. Reuben

3. Amos

4. Carrie

5. Toj

6. Jaira

7. Mattias

8. JQ

9. Nazryn

10. Lexie

11. Keith

#1. How did you meet 10?
She's my cousin

#2. What would you do if you never met 6?
I wouldn't have someone whom i noe well in the rugby team

#3. Have you seen 4 cry?

#4. What would you do if 6 and 4 dated?
Wow, that wouldn't be too bad. HAH carrie

#5. Do you think 1 is pretty?

#6. Tell me something about no. 11.
He's a damn cute loud-mouthed scrum-half

#7. How do you know 8?
Rugby. plus he's a mushroom head. how could i not?

#8. Would you go out on a date with 5?
OH SHIT. i bet you if toj saw this, he'd be laughing his head off. toj, your gayness better be acting, or not im rly gonna freak out

#9. What is 7's fav colour?
MIIN colour. betcha.

#10. What would you do if 2 confess his/her love for you?
hahahahaha. i'd let him stay in my pants instead of jai's.

#11. Fact about 9.
he has a BIG ASS, right naz? hahah.

#12. Who is 6 going out with?
i don't think he's going out with anybody... jai?

#13. What is 5 to you?
Gay friend. who gets hyper. ahahah, nice guy

#14. Would you ever live with 11?
Heck, i wouldn't mind.

#15. is 2 single?
i think so..

#16. How much does 3 mean to you?
he's my lieu bro. need i say more? plus he still owes me the MCR album. AMOS!

#17. What do you think about 1?
carl's jr future manager. then can give me FREE FOOD

#18. What's the best about 8?
he has a mushroom head?

#19. What do you dislike about no. 10?
she was better than me in soccer when we visited. but that was P5! its been 2 yrs.

#20. 11 people that i want to do this quiz
anyone who's bored


black-ed out at ;
2:39 AM

Sunday, November 12, 2006

omgomgomg. leon chng. yea, the stupid canoeist, is working at CARL'S JR.!!!!!!! and btw, that's a bad thing.

A few reasons why we shld boycott it.

1. By hiring leon, they are sending out the message that the hiring of poor people who have mental disorders is actually morally okay.

2. Food poisoning. Leon is in charge of food packaging. need i say more?

3. When you see Leon in his attire, you will literally roll on the floor, and laugh. that is more embarassing than being seen with him.

okok, im so kidding leon. don't kill me. pls?

anyways, just so you know, its the carl's jr at p.s basment i think. everybody go down and support leon! hahahahahaha, i can't wait for his manager to tell him "What did you do that for? YOU'RE FIRED!" hahah. leon, are you sure that's gel you're using? jkjk

haiz, so yesterday, went to the driving range. im actually trying to pick up golf again. wow, amazing eh? and simply put, i suck at it even more now than i did 3 yrs ago. hmph. okok, so after i finished hitting, i was waiting for my dad to finish his shots when this inconsiderate fat monkey (this is not racist, the guy is white), or how about obese white trash, yea that sounds better. he's also not ang moh btw. okok, so he starts smoking, in a fuckin no smoking area. when he exhaled SOO much smoke came out that it actually made leon's.. nvm.. forget i ever typed that. you get my point. smoke for 1-2 mins, then his friend took a rest. so this obese white trash went up to hit. guess what? no, he didn't smoke while hitting the ball.. but that would be pretty cool. anyways, his FRIEND, SMOKES TOO. FUCKING HELL *mind my language* this guy is some anorexic white trash.

buggers. ok, this morning woke up quite late actually.. for me that is, 8:30? then i had macaroni and cheese for brekkie! then went for 10:30 mass. :( wasn't really paying attention, feel so guilty now. diao. hhah, random. and i realise that i haven't gone out since the rugby outing. hahaha.. im too lazy ;) i don't understand why people don't appreciate lazing around at home. its so fun. ok, who am i kidding.

according to basil, k-fed (now HE'S white trash), the pretend kid rapper appeared on wwe raw. and challenged john cena to a match. stupid jackass.. his rapping career is so bad that he turns to WRESTLING for a job!? loser.
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noob. i found this on ebay guides:

"So rumor broke out this morning that Kevin Federline (who has been rapping for a supposed label as K-Fed) took his first single to wife Britney Spears and presented it ... "Y'all Ain't Ready."


Its AWFUL. So bad, in fact, that even Britney laughed him off... and we know that she has no taste in music herself. Its all over the web and airwaves because its downright hilarious - so check it out - Kevin Federline's Y'all Ain't Ready.

Kevin Federline's Y'all Ain't Ready - Lyrics
I shouldn't be sayin' keep
My damn name outcha mouth
But y'all keep increasin' my change ...
Go ahead and say whatcha wanna
I'm gonna sell about 2 mil
Uh, then I'm goner, uh
I know y'all wishin' you was in my position
Cause I keep gettin' into situations
That you wish you was in, cousin
I'm not your brother, I'm not your uncle, I'm Daddy do
Steppin' in this game and y'all ain't got a clue
My prediction is that y'all are gonna hate
On the style we create, straight 2008
But I know that you really can't wait
Because people always askin' me
When's the release date?
Well maybe, baby, you could wait and see
Until then all these Pavarattis followin' me
Gettin' anxious? Go take a peek
I'm starrin' in your magazines
Now every day and week
Back then, they call me K-fed
But you can call me Daddy instead
Back then, they call me K-fed
But you can call ..."

ROFL. he is beyond help.

and another source:

"Finally, the most highly anticipated musical event of the year has leaked (like raw sewage) onto the internet. You guessed it, Kevin Federline's single "Y'all Ain't Ready" is now available to preview. And he wasn't kidding. Nobody can be prepared for how bad he sucks. As much as it pains me to say it, Britney is a musical genius compared to him. I can see how she didn't think that it would sell.

UPDATE: Here's our local copy of Y'all Ain't Ready. What a waste of bandwidth."

btw, the link for the copy of Y'all Ain't Ready is here "http://www.dailybubble.com/archives/2005/11/02/kfed-aint-ready-for-a-career-in-music.php"

go to the page. read the article, just below the article, the link is there. you've gotta hear it to believe how bad it is.

kk, ive run out of things to say. holidays are boring. i wanna go out. but without the hassle. is that possible?

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5:04 AM